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SEND Information Report

What is Special Needs?

In accordance to the SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulties or disability calls for special educational provision, namely different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.

At Baydon St Nicholas we pride ourselves on catering for all children’s needs within our school. We also recognise that within this provision we do need to identify and provide for children who require support which is different from and additional to what is normally available to pupils of the same age.

Our SENCO is Mrs Emma Gilbert, who can be contacted at the school 01672 540554, or via admin@baydon-st-nicholas.wilts.sch.uk

Our SEND Provision

The four areas of SEND which our school provides come under these headings:

  • Communication and Interaction
    This area of need includes children with Autism Spectrum Condition and those with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
  • Cognition and Learning
    This includes children with Specific Learning Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
    This includes any pupils who have an emotional, social or mental health need that is impacting on their ability to learn
  • Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties
    This area includes children with hearing impairment, visual impairment, multi-sensory impairment and physical difficulties.

The four headings above aim to help plan the best provision for the child. It may be the case that provision is required from more than one of these areas.

Our Approach to teaching pupils with SEND

Inclusive education means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. Our curriculum meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum / National Curriculum and we also seek to provide further activities to enrich the experiences of all pupils.

Our curriculum also includes teaching of the social aspects that are essential for lifelong learning, personal growth and development of independence. We aim for children of all ages and ability levels to develop their confidence and independence to support them to develop self-esteem and resilience in all aspects of their lives.

Some of the actions we take to support this include:

  • Support all pupils to fulfill their potential despite any difficulty or disability they may have.
  • Modify the curriculum and levels of support to meet the needs of individual children.
  • Ensure that all teaching staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils and have a good understanding of how best to meet their individual needs.
  • Design an engaging curriculum that appeals to the interests of the children in school and engages their enthusiasm whilst developing a range of skills, which contribute to life long, learning.

We offer all children the opportunity to participate in activities outside the classroom by making reasonable adjustments to the organisation of these. All trips and activities are risk assessed and adjustments made where necessary to reduce risk. We ensure that any transport booked caters for the requirements of our pupils. We ensure that pupils with SEND have an appropriate level of adult support to help them access learning outside the classroom.

How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children & young people with SEND

The class teacher and the SENCO will decide on what action is required to support a child with SEND in light of earlier assessments. This will always include Quality First Teaching (QFT) which caters for their individual needs and supports all children to make good progress but may also include:

  • Specifically targeted intervention programmes delivered in 1:1 or paired or small group settings within class with the support of the class teacher or teaching assistant.
  • Different learning equipment or specialist materials used in class to support the learning and make it more accessible.
  • Some group or individual work away from the classroom with a teaching assistant to focus upon a particular area of need, for example work, on gross motor skills, or work set by a speech therapist
  • Behavioural support strategies employed with movement breaks, de-escalation charts or task cards.

Sometimes the support above is enough to ensure a child is on track but sometimes a Support Plan will be needed with individual targets and strategies to work towards achieving them. This will be put in place in discussion with parents/carers and the child’s voice will be taken into consideration.

The SENCO working alongside class teachers and support staff to oversee SEND provision and monitor the progress of any child requiring additional support. Where appropriate other agencies will be asked to work alongside the school to assess a child and plan for their needs. At all stages parents/carers will be involved in the process.

To ensure all children are able to access the curriculum at an appropriate level and fulfill their potential we take some of the following actions:

  • Make adaptations to ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and school activities.
  • Support pupils to achieve their full potential despite any difficulty or disability they may have.
  • Ensure that staff are aware of pupil’s individual needs and teach in a way that is appropriate for them.
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to develop confidence, self-esteem and resilience.
  • Work in partnership with parents/carers, pupils and external agencies to cater for children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Make provision for children with SEND to fully develop their abilities, interests and talents.
  • Identify special educational needs at the earliest opportunity to ensure early intervention and support.
  • Ensure all children with SEND are fully included in all aspects of school life.
  • Regularly review policy and practice in order to achieve the best outcomes for all our pupils

How do we identify, assess and review children & young people with SEND?

Most children and young people in mainstream schools will have their special educational needs met through good classroom practice. This is called Quality First Teaching (QFT).

Early Identification of need

Within our school we have a clear approach to identifying and responding to identifying children with SEND.In deciding whether to make special education provision to support educational, social, physical or emotional needs, we use:

  • Concerns raised by class teacher
  • Parental Concern
  • Medical reports from outside agencies
  • Reports from previous educational settings, preschools or previous schools
  • Identification at termly pupil progress meeting showing limited progress
  • A change in pupil’s behaviour or progress
  • Using Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEND Support in school (WGRSS document)

Once a concern has been raised then discussions will be held between the child, parents, class teacher, SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)  Mrs Emma Gilbert.

Once the child has been identified as having SEND they will be placed on our SEN register under the heading SEN Support.
At Baydon St Nicholas we follow the Graduated Response so will then asses the child within the four areas of SEND.

SEN Support

Where a pupil is identified as having a special educational need we follow a graduated response which takes the form of cycles of “Assess, Plan, Do, Review” (for more information on this please see our SEND policy January 2024

This means that we will:

  • Assess a child’s special educational needs – This would include assessment by teachers supported by the SENCO, Observations and assessments carried out by the educational psychologist and advice from outside agencies.
  • Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes – Additional or different provision is planned by the class teacher with support from the SENCO and external advice where it has been requested. Targets are set and formalized in a short note, a support plan or an EHCP and are discussed with parents/carers and the child.
  • Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes – Interventions are out in place and time and support is allocated for them to be carried out.
  • Review the support and progress – The impact of any intervention is reviewed with teachers, parents/carers and the child looking at progress towards targets and next steps.

If a child is SEN Support but we require more information to better plan provision with parents, child and class teacher, we will write a My Support Plan which will also involve the views of the child within this.

A small percentage of children and young people with significant and/or complex needs may require an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

An EHC assessment would be carried out where the current levels of support and intervention are not leading to improved progress for the child and where further support might be needed to ensure the needs of an individual child are fully met.

Additional EHCP support could include specialist speech, language and communication support, additional support for children with physical difficulties to access the full curriculuSEND policy January 2024m, emotional and social support for children where this is impacting on their learning and additional support with cognition and learning to ensure that the pace and level of learning meets the needs of the child.

For more detailed information see the:

SEND local offer for Wiltshire for children who live in Wiltshire.

SEND Local offer for Berkshire  for children who live in West Berkshire.

Details of Identification and Assessment of Pupils with SEND

We assess all children’s progress against national expectations and age related expectations. Assessment is an ongoing part of the teaching process with teachers and teaching assistants noting achievements, areas for further development and next steps in learning.

We use teacher assessment in  Reading, Writing and Maths each term. Individual targets are set for children and their progress is tracked from Baseline on entry through to the end of Year 6. The results are reported to parents at the end of each Key Stage – EYFS, Year 2 and Year 6.

A pupil progress meeting is held three times a year between the. class teacher(s) and the headteacher (also SENCO), Mrs Emma Gilbert,  and if a child is not making the expected progress towards their targets, further support is discussed. When a child’s support plan is reviewed progress towards their targets is monitored and if they are not on track the targets will be reviewed and if necessary adjusted such as breaking the target down into smaller steps or taking a different approach. This is all part of the Graduated Response which we follow. For more information on this please see our SEND policy January 2024


Our reception teacher holds meetings with parents before they start in Reception. We liaise with pre-school provision settings and welcome parents and children on school visits before the child starts in September.

On entry we carry out baseline assessments and identify the children’s strengths and any areas for development.

If a child in any year group is performing below age related expectations this will be discussed with the class teacher and SENCO and further observations may be carried out.

Where issues such as behaviour or confidence are impacting on performance these issues will be raised.

We have an open door policy and as well as regular formal meetings, there are informal opportunities for parents/carers to raise concerns.

We can access speech and language support and any child causing concern will be assessed with parent/carer agreement. The school runs a movement programme for children with fine and gross motor skills difficulties. We also work closely with outside support, which could include the school nurse, the educational psychologist, occupational therapy, CAHMS, and the behaviour support team at Wiltshire.

How we ensure access to appropriate high quality teaching, differentiation and intervention.

All staff regularly access training to further develop their practice. Through quality first teaching teachers plan for all individuals and groups within their class, ensuring that the needs of each child are met. In addition to carefully differentiated class teaching, teachers plan high quality interventions for children to ensure that they are bridging any gaps in their learning.

How the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle is incorporated into SEN provision.

The ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle (ADPR) is incorporated into SEN provision through formative assessment on a day-to-day basis and through more formal reviews of pupil progress and progress towards support plan targets. These are discussed with parents/carers in regular meetings as well as on a more informal basis through our open door policy.

How parents and pupils are involved in the APDR cycle.

Parents/carers and pupils are involved in the ADPR cycle through both informal and formal meetings. There are regular opportunities for parents to discuss progress informally with the class teacher and formal opportunities in SEN review meetings (these are structured conversations to review the planned outcomes on the SEND Outcome sheet which every child on our SEND register will have and in accordance with the code of Practise happen three times a year) and parents evenings. Children’s targets and progress are discussed with them at an appropriate level. Children know what they are working on and are involved in evaluating and celebrating their successes.

As part of planning for our SEND provision, all children on the SEND register have pupil profiles which elicit their views on what is working and what is not working with their learning and how best they would like to be supported. These views, alongside those of parents and teachers, will then be used to best plan the provision on offer.

If a child also has a My Support Plan (please see SEN policy for more information on Support Plans) then the views of the parents are encapsulated within this and this is also reviewed and information added, if required, during these structured conversations.

At Baydon St Nicholas we do also encourage all parents to speak to class teachers and the SENCO on a regular basis if any concerns arise. We will always seek permission from parents when dealing with outside agencies and will discuss reports received.

If a child has an EHC (Educational Health and Care) Care Plan, known in Wiltshire as My Plan, as well as the consultation arrangements outlined above an Annual Review will be held with all agencies involved in the provision for that child.

Planning for Learners with SEN

The planning for in class provision and individual targets is tailored to each child’s needs. This is achieved through quality first teaching and carefully planned interventions. Where further advice is needed we work with a wide range of external agencies to ensure that a child receives the right provision.

A Holistic Approach

We ensure that there is a holistic approach in addressing all needs by considering all the factors, which might be impacting on a child’s progress. We value all children for their individual abilities and talents in all areas and celebrate these.

How do you evaluate high quality teaching with personalisation and interventions?

We evaluate the high quality teaching including personalisation and interventions through the monitoring of the impact and pupil progress. As a school we also carry out learning walks and work scrutinies. We also carry out pupil and parent surveys which cover the quality of teaching and learning and use the feedback from these to inform our future planning.

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy

We have high expectations of behaviour from all our children. We work with children and families to support any concerns regarding behaviour which could impact on learning and social interaction. As well as individual support, we have systems in place to support children with their behaviour including reward systems, group work and peer support. We are able to access the Behaviour Support team if further intervention is required. For more information please see the Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy.

How do you make adjustments/ adaptations? Are they reflected in the Accessibility Plan?

With regard to accessibility, the school environment is fully accessible to all children. Recent improvements to the building and the school environment have included the inclusion of access works.

We have an Accessibility Plan in place and where feasible we will make reasonable adjustments to improve the accessibility of our environment to meet individual needs.

How do you enable pupils with SEND engage in activities with pupils who do not have SEN?

Baydon St Nicholas is a small school with a family atmosphere where all the children and staff know all the children. Everyone is treated equally at and where there might be challenges to accessing activities, all reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure that all children can engage with all the activities we offer.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are used to identify and minimise risk in all aspects of school life. They are used to ensure that staff and children are aware of potential risks and how we would reduce them. Risk assessments are carried out where a child has a particular need and measures put in place to minimise the risk.

Arrangements for pupils with SEN undertaking tests and exams.

Where a child is able to access the SATs tests a number of additional arrangements can be put in place to support them:

  • Additional time
  • Rest breaks
  • A Reader
  • A scribe
  • Use of a laptop
  • Adapted papers

These additional access arrangements will be discussed with parents/carers in advance of the tests.

What is in place to ensure all pupils achieve to the best of their abilities, despite any difficulty or disability they may have?

We are a small school with an inclusive approach and a desire to provide the best education possible for all our children. We are committed to the inclusion of all our children in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. In addition to the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum, we seek to enrich the experience of all our pupils through a range of additional opportunities. We have a strong focus on developing independence, self-esteem and resilience alongside skills, abilities and knowledge to ensure that our children are engaged in their learning and prepared for life.

Some of the ways we achieve this are:

  • Supporting all children to achieve their potential despite any difficulty or disability they might have.
  • Adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of individuals.
  • Ensuring that all staff in school is aware of and sensitive to the needs of all children.
  • Making appropriate provision for children with SEND to fully develop their abilities, interests and aptitudes and gain access to the curriculum.

How does your setting ensure that teaching staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils, teaching pupils in a way that is more appropriate to their needs?

All staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of individual children and are aware of approaches which are most suited to a child. We have staff training on aspects of SEND (tin-house and using outside agencies) and the SENCO works with staff to ensure that all children are well catered for and able to make good progress towards their targets.

Mrs Gilbert is the SEND coordinator.

All teachers work with teaching assistants and outside agencies, if necessary, to plan effective provision for children on the SEN register.

SEND Training across the school has included:

  • For all teachers and teaching assistants access to training run by Wiltshire through Right Choice such as Team TEACH, teaching assistant courses on Autism, courses on the delivery of speech targets.
  • Regular SENCO updates at staff meetings and advice from outside agencies in the past year involving Behavioural Support, Speech and Language Team and the Educational Psychologist.
  • SEN Support Surgeries are requested when needed with the SENCO, class teacher and Educational Psychologist to offer solutions and individualised tailored support for individual children discussed in these meetings.

We have a specialised space in school for the delivery of ELSA and have two ELSA’s to work with children. Class teachers or teaching assistant s working with children with an emotional need are well supported with their class setting or additional support is offered with 1:1 work. We also have a forest school intervention group which visit the forest once per week with. our Forest School Leader and one of our ELSA team.

How is suitable provision for children with SEN made to fully develop their abilities, interests and aptitudes and gain maximum access to the curriculum?

All our children are offered the opportunity to participate in activities outside of the classroom, which also includes our wrap around care, Wagtails. We make reasonable adjustments to make this possible.

All whole school celebrations include all children often supported by teaching staff and our musicals in FS/Key Stage 1 at Christmas and Key Stage 2 at the end of Term 6 highlight the positive inclusion within our school.

Activities and School Visits are also accessible to all. The member of staff planning the trip alongside the school admin officer will ensure that an up to date risk assessment is obtained for any school outing. When a child may need extra support such as 1:1 on a school trip then extra provision will be put in place with consultation with the parents/ carers.

How children with SEN engage in all activities?

We enable all children to engage fully in all aspects of school life. To do this, we:

  • Ensure that all children with SEND are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement. Where additional support or adaptation is needed to achieve this it is put in place.
  • Ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and all school activities. The curriculum is differentiated to ensure that all children can access work at an appropriate level and make good progress.
  • Ensure every child has the entitlement to a sense of achievement. All skills, abilities and achievements are recognised and celebrated.

How we evaluate the effectiveness of SEN Provision

We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children/young people. We do this in a variety of ways, including:

  • evaluation of policy and practice
  • Book scrutinies
  • SENCO/Governor monitoring
  • Learning walks
  • Pupil Voice

Support Plans and EHC Plans are regularly monitored, reviewed with staff, parents and children and updated to reflect progress. In addition to monitoring academic progress, we monitor social and emotional progress and wellbeing to ensure that all a child’s needs are fully met.

What emotional and well-being support do we offer?

The wellbeing of all children is our primary concern at Baydon St Nicholas. Children are supported in social and emotional development throughout the school day.

The school promotes a positive behaviour ethos and integral to this is mutual care and consideration to one another.

Within school we have recently trained two ELSA’s who are supporting pupils in a range of ways, from 1:1 support to breakfast meetings with pupils and parents.

Most staff hold the qualification Paediatric First Aid. We ensure that we are in regular contact with parents so that all important medical information is shared and all staff involved with that child is informed and trained, if required , to respond appropriately. When necessary, and in agreement with parents/carers,  medicines can be administered in school but only when a signed medicine consent form and copy of the prescription letter from the doctor is in place to ensure the safety of the pupil and staff member.

We teach explicitly teach emotional wellbeing with our PSHE/RSE curriculum and we aim to address wellbeing with all children. We work with the NSPCC to support positive choices and safety.

Children have opportunities to contribute and share their ideas as part of the school council. They learn about democracy, working as a team and supporting their peers. Children also take part in a pupil survey where they have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about all aspects of school life and make suggestions for how the school could further improve.

At times, it may be necessary to plan in emotional support as part of a targeted outcome with either 1:1 or small group provision with an identified need as the focus. We also access support from specialist staff such the School Nurse or Behavioural Support Services or the Autism team to support children with social, emotional or medical needs.

We are an inclusive school with an understanding and caring team who value the children we work with and work to develop high self-esteem in all children. The class teacher has overall pastoral care for the children in their class, but as a small school all staff are involved in working with and supporting all the children. If a parent has a concern, the first point of contact would be the class teacher. If further support is required the class teacher works with the HT/SENCO.

We have positive approaches to managing behaviour with reward house point system and a celebration worship every week to mark various types of achievements.

Looked After Children with SEND

We have a Designated Teacher for Looked after Children, Mrs Emma Gilbert (Headteacher) who works to ensure all teachers in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEN. If needed the headteacher can work with the Virtual School Head (VSH) who is there to ensure effective systems are in place for LAC. Some children may not be diagnosed when they are first looked after and we work with carers to address any concerns and quickly and effectively assess and address any SEND needs.

Looked after children with SEN are supported in school and have a support plan which is regularly reviewed. All LAC have a statutory Care Plan which is drawn up by the local authority which looks after them. The Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a legal part of the Care Plan and is a statutory requirement for LAC in education. It is the duty of the Designated Teacher for Looked after Children to ensure that LAC have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is also reviewed every term. The support plan and PEP should work together. If a LAC with SEND requires further assessment for and Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) we are aware of the need to do this in a timely manner.

How and when do we involve outside agencies?

The school works closely with outside agencies to support the provision of SEND across the school. The SENCO and Head teacher meet and are in contact with the Specialist Special Educational Needs (SSENS) Team from both Wiltshire and Berkshire, due to our school having children living in both counties. As part of the Graduated Approach, Outside Agencies can be accessed at any times to support SEND provision. Their reports are reflected in the planned outcomes often used within classroom settings and sometimes requires additional support outside of the class setting with the deployment of a teacher or teaching assistant.

Outside Agencies can include:

  • Educational Psychology, Specialist Learning Support, Behaviour Support and Ethnic Minority Achievement Services.
  • Specialist Health services include Speech and Language Support, Physical and Sensory support Services which include Visual Impairment ,Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Hearing Impairment, Paediatrician, School Nurse and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
  • Social Services and Parent Support Advisors.

If you would like to find out more

In the first instance, we encourage parents/carers to talk to their child’s teacher, or if you wish, directly with Mrs Gilbert to find out more about SEND provision.

Please arrange a meeting through the school office.

Email: admin @baydon-st-nicholas.wilts.sch.uk

What to do if you have a concerns or complaints about SEND provision?

If a parent feels that Baydon St Nicholas has not met his or her child’s SEND needs, they should:

  • discuss their concerns with the class teacher;
  • consult with the SENCO/Headteacher if their concerns continue;
  • finally, if there is still concerns, with SEND Governor.

All meetings will be detailed, dated and recorded within the child’s section of the SEND register.

Please refer to the Complaints Policy 2022 for more information.

Where to go for more information

More information about the Local Offer of Support which is available for families with SEND can be found at:

SEND local offer for Wiltshire for children who live in Wiltshire.

SEND Local offer for Berkshire  for children who live in West Berkshire.

This page was reviewed in September 2023.
