Useful Links

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If you are looking for more information about Baydon as a place to live then visit the Baydon Village Website!Year 5 and a Foundation pupil reading together.

We are lucky to be situated next to St Nicholas Church in Baydon. The building dates from Norman times. To find out more information follow this link to A Church Near You.

Our school is within the Diocese of Salisbury. You can find out more about the Diocese of Salisbury here. 

Keeping Children Safe

For information on child protection please visit the South West Child Protection Procedures website.

The NSPCC website contains a range of information explaining child abuse and how you can help keep children safe.

Keeping Children Safe Online 

For information on how to keep children safe online Wiltshire Safeguarding website has information and useful links. The website Thinkuknow has age appropriate information for age groups.

The following websites also contain further information to keep children safe online:

A leaflet for parents regarding sexual abuse online and how you can help your child is available here.

Child Sexual Exploitation 

For specific information on child sexual exploitation please visit the Wiltshire Safeguarding website here.

For more information about child sexual exploitation the PACE website has a range of information and resources.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing 

The Wiltshire Safeguarding website has information for parents on how to support their children if they are sad, stressed or lonely. Lots of information and support can also be found on Banardos Wiltshire Healthy Minds website.

Domestic Abuse advice can be found at the Wiltshire Safeguarding website.

Wiltshire have produced a leaflet for parents on how to keep children safe. Keeping Your Children Safe


Education Links

To find out about all national information on education please visit the website for the Department of Education.SKipping

To find our more information about Wiltshire schools visit the Wiltshire County Council website.

To view the Department of Educations performance tables page relating to Baydon St Nicholas please click here.

Our most recent OFSTED and SIAMS reports can be found using the links from the home page.
