Friends (FOBS)

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Friends (FOBS)

Welcome to the Friends of Baydon School (FOBS)

Friends of Baydon School support the school in many ways, though most importantly through the raising of funds for equipment that might be out of the schools reach.

For information on our Upcoming Events and other ways to support FOBS please see our Latest Information page.

For information on what FOBS has recently been up to please see our latest newsletter.


Previous Newsletters

FOBS Newsletter Oct 2020

The money that FOBS has raised over the past few years has helped to build the new Skylarks classroom, fund new playground equipment and new reading materials to update all classrooms.

Over the past year we have held lots of varied fundraising events including a Christmas Grotto and Craft Activities, Movie Nights, Disco’s, Uniform Sales, Book Fair and Book Swap.

The Committee

We are so lucky at Baydon to have a really dedicated group of parents who will go the extra mile to raise money for our school!

Chair: Laura Stewart, Sara Jones and Gemma

Treasurer: James Chippett

Secretary: Beckie Hanson

The committee is helped enormously by a brilliant group of parents whom not only help with organisation of events but attended meetings meaning that many hands really do make light work.

Click here to find out how you as a parent or guardian can get involved with FOBS.
